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CControls Team30.10.2024 16:03:57< 1 min read

Why is Oscilloscope Vertical Accuracy Important?

Why does signal integrity matter?

In electronic testing, “signal integrity” refers to signal quality, essential for accurate measurements, especially as bandwidth increases or when observing small signals or minor changes in larger ones.

Signal integrity significantly impacts oscilloscope measurements, affecting both signal shape and measurement values. Oscilloscopes face challenges like distortion, noise, and loss, which can compromise signal integrity. High signal integrity in an oscilloscope yields more accurate signal representations, helping engineers to better understand, debug, and characterize designs. In contrast, poor signal integrity increases risk by affecting development cycles, production quality, and component choices.

Evaluating an oscilloscope's overall signal integrity, not just isolated specifications, is crucial. Key attributes like resolution, noise floor, and jitter should be considered together to ensure the most accurate measurements, avoiding misleading conclusions from focusing on a single attribute.




Table of contents

  • ADC Bits and Minimum Resolution
  • Scaling Impact on Resolution
  • Noise
  • Frequency Responses
  • Correction Filters
  • Software Filters
  • ENOB (Effective Number of Bits)
  • Intrinsic Jitter

Ready to dive deeper into signal integrity? Download the full application note below to explore how these concepts impact oscilloscope performance and measurement accuracy.


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