Bad luck: In Japan, the employee of an IT service provider recently lost a complete data stick with personal and sensitive data of 500,000 inhabitants of an entire city. In doing so, he violates several security rules at the same time. You should only carry sensitive data on hardware-encrypted data carriers and only for as long as necessary.
With SecureDrive's hardware-encrypted data storage, you play it safe. And the best thing is, despite the high level of security, the devices are comfortable and easy to use. This means that sensitive data such as business, scientific or official information remains protected against unauthorized access, theft, or loss. SecureData technology guarantees the best possible encryption with AES 256-bit XTS Hardware Encryption.

With SecureDrive and SecureUSB, every bit of your data is automatically encrypted in real time
These external storage devices from SecureData are very easy to use and can be unlocked with keypad or facial recognition via smartphone or smartwatch without additional software on the terminal. This ensures that security measures are not circumvented and that they are a pleasure to use.
The award-winning SecureDrives are FIPS 140-2 Level 3 validated, manufactured in the US and used there by the military, among others. This ensures 100% secure data storage and transfer, as well as protection against brute force attacks by automatic blocking or by destruction when the devices are disassembled.
Every bit of your data is automatically hardware encrypted in real time. In addition, the devices can be managed remotely using the SecureDrive remote management software. This allows you to set access restrictions at any time and keep control over when, where and by whom the data is accessed. Seamless use is possible on any of following platforms and on any device with a USB connection, regardless of the operating system.

All advantages at a glance:
- All SecureDrive devices are hardware encrypted with AES 256-bit XTS
- All drives come with the award-winning DriveSecurity® (by ClevX®) anti-virus protection
- SecureDrive devices work seamlessly on any platform and device with a USB port
- BT and DUO devices can be unlocked conveniently and quickly via smartphone or smartwatch
- Our BT and DUO device lines are remotely manageable with remote wipe/password reset, user logging, geo- and time-fencing and much more
- FIPS 140-2 Level 3 validated, with tamper-resistant epoxy coating on all internal components
- Automatic inactivity lock ensures drive security when you walk away
- Brute-force hacking resistance by deleting data after 10 unsuccessful password entries
- Set drive modes to read-only, user or administrator depending on your security needs
- SecureGuard software enables better management of Windows computers and allows the administrator to blacklist or whitelist USB devices